St. Bernadette Catholic Elementary School

St. Bernadette Catholic Elementary School

As a new school, St. Bernadette Catholic Elementary is bursting with enthusiastic readers! Our students come alive exploring all kinds of books, eager to take them home and delve deeper into their favourite stories. To nurture this love of reading, we're building a vibrant Learning Commons stocked with a diverse collection of books. Here's where you, our amazing community, can help! Partnering with Kanata Indigo and the Love of Reading, Adopt a School Program will help us to stock our shelves with a wider range of titles and genres, ensuring every student finds books that spark their imagination and reflect their unique interests. Together, let's inspire a lifelong love of reading at St. Bernadette!


“I am making this donation in honour of my Mum. She was an avid and life long reader.”


Stephanie White-Beazley
Sep 14, 2024
Ontario, CA


Faith Silver
Sep 14, 2024
Ontario, CA


Sep 14, 2024
Ontario, CA

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3 donors
20 days left

Fundraiser created by
Indigo Love of Reading Foundation


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