Islands Consolidated School

Islands Consolidated School

We are a close-knit rural community where fishing and whale watching are a part of everyday life. Our students have a deep love for reading, especially stories about island communities, ocean life, and water transportation. However, our classroom libraries are limited, and many of our books are outdated or not engaging for our students. Imagine the impact of enriching our libraries with new, diverse books that not only capture our students' current interests but also introduce them to new ones. With your help, we can provide our students with literature that broadens their horizons and helps them understand more about the world and the people in it. Your donation can make a significant difference in nurturing a lifelong love of reading in our students. Thank you for considering supporting our school.



Gina Saulnier
Sep 16, 2024
Nova Scotia, CA


Locke Highleyman
Sep 16, 2024
Nova Scotia, CA


Virginia Caldwell
Sep 16, 2024
Nova Scotia, CA


Sep 15, 2024
Nova Scotia, CA

“Happy Reading!”


Sep 15, 2024
Nova Scotia, CA


Cindy Bezant-Titus
Sep 15, 2024
Nova Scotia, CA

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6 donors
20 days left

Fundraiser created by
Indigo Love of Reading Foundation


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