General Vanier Public School

General Vanier Public School

General Vanier public school in Ottawa, Ontario is a thriving kindergarten to grade 3 school whose students love to read. Kids patiently wait on weeks-long wait-lists for the much loved and much repaired Minecraft books. Much of the current collection is classic in nature, with an average age of 32 years, it does not appeal to many of our young emerging readers. The new books we have been able to obtain have been through community donations of used books. Students were thrilled to get Elephant and Piggie books, written by Mo Willems, over ten years ago but pine for more! Another popular item is a 17 year old Where’s Wally book, added to our collection just 12 months ago and had 27 unique checkouts in a single school year. We know our students deserve the new releases, the popular series, and books created with modern literacy pedagogy however obtaining them has been nearly impossible. 

We believe that with support, and new resources our literacy achievement will soar! The students will learn to truly believe in themselves and learn to LOVE READING! Our literary adventure can be followed through our library instagram page @gen.vanierlibraryjoy

Thank you for your support, and thank you to Indigo Love of Reading Foundation and South Keys Indigo for helping us to move on from the classics and ignite the passion for reading we know is bubbling!!



Sep 16, 2024
Ontario, CA


Wintonic Family
Sep 13, 2024
Ontario, CA


Maryanne Birksted
Sep 13, 2024
Ontario, CA


Sep 13, 2024
Ontario, CA

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Fundraiser created by
Indigo Love of Reading Foundation


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