Alcona Glen Elementary School

Alcona Glen Elementary School

Our library has been going through a transformation over the past couple years to help it become more reflective of our community. Many of our books are over 15 years old and students are struggling to see representations of themselves and their families. Funds raised through Adopt a School will allow us to add to our collection many diverse titles so students are more engaged with their reading and excited to read. We are also hoping to purchase more dual-language stories for older students to be able to celebrate the different parts of their identity at school.



Robin Ispas
Sep 11, 2024
Ontario, CA


Sharon Hoedlmoser
Sep 10, 2024
Ontario, CA


Laura Farrant
Sep 9, 2024
Ontario, CA


Chris Streets
Sep 9, 2024
Ontario, CA


Abbey McCauley
Sep 9, 2024
Ontario, CA


Adam Wright
Sep 9, 2024
Ontario, CA

“Happy reading from Charlie and his reading buddies.”


Wendy ONeill
Sep 9, 2024
Ontario, CA


Audrey Kennington
Sep 8, 2024
Ontario, CA


Mark Hammond
Sep 8, 2024
Ontario, CA

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9 donors
20 days left

Fundraiser created by
Indigo Love of Reading Foundation


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